Immigrant Pathways Colorado’s partner in reaching out to immigrants and refugees is the Littleton Immigrant Resource Center (LIRC) at Bemis Public Library. We’re happy to share some information about their accomplishments in 2016:
LIRC had a busy year and continues to grow services to serve more clients. In 2016, LIRC served immigrants from 47 countries, screened 370 clients to determine their eligibility for citizenship, and taught ESL or Citizenship classes to 318 immigrants.
LIRC successfully renewed a grant with USCIS to continue its Citizenship Program for the next two years.
LIRC staff members say they feel so fortunate to work with clients who inspire them every day. Some of the LIRC’s favorite clients have been small business owners, food truck owners and caterers, a live organ donor, caregivers, and now even LIRC volunteers. Former students-turned-volunteers have helped more than a dozen other students study to become Americans. Many students work multiple jobs and, though exhausted, still make time to attend LIRC classes because learning English is important to them!
One remarkable student is a refugee from Burma who joined LIRC’s Citizenship program. After she was naturalized, she joined LIRC’s Language Partners program because she wanted to continue improving her English. Another student from Colombia attends LIRC’s English classes and has improved so much that she recently secured a job in an accountant’s office.