“This grant will help me to get the certifications that I need, and the certifications will help me to get a good job to support myself and my family.“
~ Abdullah, refugee from Afghanistan
“This laptop will help me to improve my computer skills and to learn more computer accounting tools. Now everything is online and I need a computer.“
~Fatou, asylee from Burkina Faso
“This assistance would keep me in school. I want to learn and get a job in IT. I would be grateful for this opportunity.“
~Yousof, refugee from Afghanistan
“I’m so grateful that people are helping me pay for school. I’ve always wanted to be a nurse. I am so excited about my future career.“
~Angesom, refugee from Eritrea
“This computer [purchased with an IPC grant] will be very helpful because when I am studying, I am having difficulty completing assignments on my phone. Having a computer with the correct applications will make my studies much better.“
~Azizullah, refugee from Afghanistan
“This grant is going to help me achieve my goal of becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse. I love helping people and want people to feel that they are not alone. We will all get sick one day. It can happen to anybody I want to be there for people who need help as an LPN.“
~Eunice, immigrant from Ghana
“This scholarship makes me more independent and allows me to take the course I need to reach my goal.“
~Menbere, asylee from Ethiopia
“Thank you for helping me pay for this training. You are helping me find my first job in Denver and making my family secure. Thank you very much.“
~Sayed-Turab, asylee from Afghanistan
“I hope to get this scholarship so that I can study a career that will allow me to get a better job so that I can be successful in America.“
~Johana, immigrant from Venezuela
“This would reduce my stress and help me focus on my education and supporting my parents. I am working very hard to make sure my loan repayment amount is manageable after I graduate.“
~Jacobo, immigrant from Mexico
“Thank you for helping me pay for school. I was a mechanic in Afghanistan and my goal is to oen an auto mechanic shop in Denver soon!“
~Zarghon, refugee from Afghanistan
“A grant for my citizenship application fees will help my family so much as we are struggling financially.“
~Shaymaa, immigrant from Iraq
“This scholarship will help me achieve my educational and career goals. This scholarship will help by lowering the costs of evaluating my transcripts and the amount of hours I will need to work throughout my studies. This way, I will be able to continue with my academic achievement.“
~Mohammad, immigrant from Afghanistan
“I have a large family and a lot of bills. This scholarship will help me to complete the CADBIM program and care for my family.“
~Juan de Dios, asylee from Venzuela
“Thank you for helping me purchase tools for my new career as a mechanic. Tools are so expensive and I wouldn’t be able to do it without help. Thank you.“
~Mehrdad, immigrant from Iran
“These classes will help me improve myself in every way, with my education, my relationship with my child, and helping children in our society. In any workplace, I want to be somewhere that welcomes many languages, this is why it is so important to have teachers that look like me.“
~Farida, immigrant from Afghanistan
“Being able to take this exam means a lot to me and my family. I will finally be able to get certified in my profession here in the U.S.“
~Abdullah, refugee from Afghanistan
“Fuel prices and economic inflation is really impacting me and my family. Receiving this grant will allow me to become a citizen without adding to my financial hardship.“
~Ely, immigrant from Peru
“The Immigrant Pathways Colorado Scholarship will help me pay for my school during a time when I am not able to work a lot to support my family.“
~Yarmohammad, immigrant from Afghanistan
“I really want to become an interpreter to support my family and others who can’t speak English and have a hard time expressing themselves. I want to make them feel at home and part of our English speakers’ community! This will help financially as well as I pursue my degree in my dream career! Don’t think that that your help will end there. By helping me, I will help others, so your impact will continue to grow!“
~Mohaddeseh, refugee from Afghanistan
“Although seeking refuge in another country is difficult, I will use it to my advantage by using my language skills and culture to help guide other people going through the same thing. If I get this scholarship, I won’t have to use my savings that we need to support our family to be able to do this training.“
~Zahra, refugee from Afghanistan
“Thank you for helping me go to school! Becoming an Esthetician is a dream of mine. I am so excited to start classes this fall. In the future, I hope to contribute back to my community and help the next person go to school.“
~Gabriela, immigrant from Mexico
“I really need this study program to help me pass the test. The only way for me to become a civil engineer here [U.S.] is to pass this test.“
~Oqbah, immigrant from Iraq
“Thank you for helping my family. I want to be a lawyer again, and getting my degrees from Kosovo evaluated is the start.“
~Arian, immigrant from Kosovo
“Thank you for IPC continuing support of my dream of becoming a mechanic! I could not do it without your help.“
~Tenzin, immigrant from Nepal
“Getting citizenship was a wonderful achievement and helped me see that I can study and reach a goal. I want my daughters to see their mom interested in learning, in getting educated.“
~Zahra, refugee from Afghanistan
“I am self-employed and I can’t earn enough to support my family. I joined the IT program with Goodwill and I need a laptop to study and join class.“
~Elham, immigrant from Afghanistan